
Dear Baby Studyblrs...

BY: dxmedstudent

I’ve noticed some studyblrs confess that they feel a pressure to have it together and live up to the perfectly organised studyblr aesthetic. This is a new pressure; before instagramming our daily lives became ubiquitous nobody would see your notes but yourself. And whilst it’s nice to feel like your notes are beautiful, they don’t have to be to get the job done. And I speak as someone who has made some pretty gorgeous notes, and also some that are completely incomprehensible to all except myself.

So here goes…

It doesn’t matter if your study space isn’t picture perfect as long as it works for you. It doesn’t matter if your notes are neat, perfectly written in 5968 colours of sparkly pen, or messy biro on loose sheets of paper. As long as it works for you. It doesn’t matter if you buy branded stationery or use whatever you could get your hands on. As long as it serves the purpose of helping you learn.

Pretty spaces and neat notes are lovely, but you do not necessarily need these things to study effectively. There are as many different ways to study as there are people doing said studying. There’s no need to feel pressured to buy stationery you can’t afford. There’s no need to feel bad about  having a less-than-picture-perfect setup. Don’t feel like you have to spend an age crafting perfect- looking notes, if that time would be better spent moving onto the next study topic. You may prefer one approach at one point in the process, and a completely different approach closer to exam time.

The aim of studying is to learn effectively. Preferably whilst enjoying it, of course. Sometimes it is enjoyable and effective to make pretty notes. At other times, making perfect notes is literally the most useless and stressful thing compared to just reading through material at a more reasonable pace.  Like making perfect notes? Awesome. Need your messy chaos? Also awesome. 

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